Monday, June 2, 2014

Cannables of Nairobi???? But I'm still alive and well!

Greeeeetings! Ya know what I love…you! I also love missionary work, food, uplifting music, and Kenyans! I am not going to lie, sometimes I practice my smile in the mirror, and then start making faces, and then laugh at myself. I do that a lot...the laughing at myself. I am SO weird...everyone here can probably attest to that, but that’s what makes me a different child of God than others. I love that you guys let me get to know what’s going on in that crazy adventure of yours. I am also happy to hear that you are still safe! The Lord truly does love us, to have you guys be our parents, (and you truly did a great job) and would not want anything to ever happen to you before we got to be together again. 

It has been quite a week of good gospel stuffs, and it just keeps coming. It has been hard this week, but I love that we have worked hard this week. I was feeling kind of inadequate, and was wondering what was wrong, and then I remembered that I am a child of God, and that He loves me more than anything, and no matter what mistakes I make in my life, I can overcome them, and become better. You know something that I realize is that as missionaries, we are always trying to strive to become better, and always find different ways to change our styles of teaching and interacting and becoming more similar to Jesus Christ. I see that you can only so that when you fully turn your heart to our Father in Heaven and trust that he can help. You have to do your part, and that means every night thanking Him for what we have, and also asking for forgiveness for our imperfections, our mistakes, our shortcomings, and have faith that He can help you. I've been thinking a lot lately on how I have been focusing so much on what "I" want, that I have become TOO encompassed in myself, when all I need to do is truly care about all of those around me. I love that we get the chance to change our hearts for the better. The Atonement is everything to me. I know that our Lord and Savior suffered any of the pain that I suffer in my life, and that I see others go through as well. I love that I get to see others pain go away when the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ impacts their living nature. That is what I have to leave with you this week about the work, and I know that it IS true. 

I love to smile, and love to laugh, and sometimes I have caught myself to often not doing enough of each. I know that God intends for us to be happy and so I will make sure to make someone laugh each and everyday, until the day I die, because that will give others Hope. That is an amazing word...Hope. I see that we all need a little more hope, in our lives, and I want to give that to all. Have a fantastic week you guys! I know I will! I just love you and HOPE the best for you.

Elder Andreasen

P.s. What is a June bug????? Isn't it like those black and orange little things that are eeverywhere?! That is an inspired question for sure! hahaha, I will have to discern it with the spirit..... Love ya! thx

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